Dixie Dairy Nigerians

Dixie Dairy Nigerians


Dixie Dairy Nigerian Dwarf Goats and More

2023 District show

2023 District show

Formula Shortages *2022 update*

Formula Maverick was on before goat milk

Formula Maverick was on before goat milk

Legally, goat milk cannot be sold or advertised off farm for human consumption. 

There are no laws preventing us from providing free milk to anyone for any reason however. 

If your family cannot locate milk during a formula shortage, we offer free goat milk to anyone it can help. 

Our goats are all disease tested yearly and milk tested monthly for protein, butterfat and SCC count.  We can guarantee healthy milk options for your family, as zero cost until formula is readily available. 

Who is Dixie Dairy

Charmer and Diana with the goats

Charmer and Diana with the goats

Dixie Dairy Nigerians is our small family farm! We breed ADGA and AGS registered Nigerian Dwarf goats, ADGA alpines, and MDGA mini alpines.  Our goats are all pets first, and very much loved.  We take great pride in our animals and enjoy milking as much as they do. We both dam and bottle raise, and all goats are milked at least once daily. 

Babies will be listed for sale as they come available. Please check out our sales page for more information on what's currently for sale. We do also keep a waiting list for those interested. You can check out our breeding schedule for that information.

Milk is available for on farm sales only, for animal use.

How we became Dixie Dairy

Back in 2010, soon after my first son was born we realized he was lactose intolerant. He regularly struggled with almost all milks.

My parents already had some mytonic wethers so we knew we liked goats, and decided to add some goats for milk. Nigerians were a tiny manageable size, that produced sweet milk with high butter fat, so we decided that was the breed we wanted. 

We got on a waiting list at Lil Hill Farm in Alabama for our very first girls.  In November 2011 our first baby goat was born! Athena still is the heart of our farm and family favorite. We joined ADGA and soon after the birth of Athena, we became Dixie Dairy.

Since that time, all of my children have been raised on raw goat milk. My kids will have memories of growing up in the barn, and me milking straight into sippy cups and bottles. With 5 of my own sons and 2 step daughters we quickly realized we needed MORE milk. The bottle babies were drinking most of it up, so we decided to get an alpine to provide for the goat kids, and the human kids could have the sweet Nigerian milk.  That's when we also fell in love with alpines and their milk. The alpines milk is not as sweet and not as high fat, but it's smooth and delicious also. 

A family effort

As a family, we work hard to care for and socialize all the animals. The kids all have their own jobs and it is a true team effort to keep the farm running.

Having so many extra hands, means that much extra love for the babies! The kids(human) are involved in day to day chores, started assisting with kiddings from the time they could walk, help with bottle feeding all the kids(goat kind), make sure each one is friendly and ready for their new homes. They are also learning to milk (we milk all our girls by hand). I couldn't do it with out all the little helpers!

Ewok now has her Junior Grand Champion leg!

Ewok now has her Junior Grand Champion leg!

Goats and Disease Testing 

What is disease testing? How does it work and why is it important?

CAE, Johnes, and CL are in our opinion the 3 main, and most devastating contagious, and eventually fatal goat diseases.  Once these diseases are on your property, it can be contaminated for years.

CAE is a progressive disease that slowly debilitates your goat, it attacks the immune system and can cause mastitis. The joints can swell making walking painful or impossible, and the goat endures a great deal of suffering once it becomes symptomatic. Many CAE positive goats end up dying from the pneumonia their immune system has more trouble fighting off even if they are still mobile.

CAE's main way of transfer is from milk to their offspring.  When a farm raises babies on strict CAE prevention protocol they pull babies at birth, and feed only pasteurized milk by bottle.  Because we choose to dam raise and bottle raise,  we test our goats regularly for CAE.  A blood sample can be mailed to WADDL for results within the week. A goat can test positive before it shows symptoms so it is extremely important to do regular CAE testing. This is the only disease we test every goat for every year.

Johnes is also called "wasting disease" because the goat basically slowly wastes away.  They have extreme weight loss, and sometimes diarrhea. It is spread rapidly thru herds by fecal contamination. The most accurate test for Johnes is a fecal test.  Because our goats show no symptoms and have never been exposed to Johnes, we choose one or two a year to run a Johnes blood test.  All new goats to the herd are also tested for Johnes. 

CL is easily identified by abscesses usually associated with the lymph node locations.  The best way to test for CL is to test the contents of all abscesses.  NEVER drain an absess on your property. The fluid inside is how it's spread.  Once on the property it is hard to eliminate. CL is much more dangerous when they start having internal abscesses.  Because we have never had an absess, we choose one or two goats a year to run a CL blood test.

To test our goats here, we pull the blood ourselves, using 22 gauge 1" needles with 3cc leur lock syringes. The blood is then transferred into the red cap blood viles. (If you plan to test be sure to have new, unused needles and syringes for each goat so not to contaminate your samples).

We generally pull blood on a Sunday, and mail it to WADDL on a Monday.  Results are generally back on Friday.

We have always had negative results for all 3 diseases ever since we started testing in 2015. To see our test results, or for more information on how to test your own goats, feel free to contact us! 

Farm Services 



This is to confirm pregnancy only. Preferred around 45-60 days post breeding. Allow 5 minutes per animal, and video and still photos can be made.

$20 per animal to cover my time and cost of gel

Payment expected at time of service.

**Disease Testing-

We can pull blood for you to mail to your lab of choice OR mail in for you if we have a pre planned test day, thru WADDL only if we mail.

$5 per animal to cover supplies.  Extra cost if we ship. The lab will bill you and send results direct to you. 

Payment expected at time of service.


We prefer to disbud bucks at a week and does by 2 weeks of age.  A tetanus antitoxin shot is highly recommended at time of disbudding if you didn't give dams CDT during late gestation.   We do not provide the tetanus because we do CDT for our pregnant does.  The tetanus antitoxin is owners responsibility.

$10 per goat

$15 per goat if they don't fit in the box or horns have erupted.  We reserve the right to decline disbudding for any reason.

Payment is expected at time of service.

**Banding and CDT-

Banding and CDT is free to all goats purchased from us when they are brought back for wethering and shots.

$5 for just banding

$5 for just CDT

$7 for both

**hoof care-


$15/corrective trims for severely over grown, curled, deformed hooves.

All services are provided on farm only. (Now travelling with in 2hrs from the farm)

Please contact me for details.

We are not a vet and cannot provide medical treatment for sick or injured animals. We can only provide basic livestock maintenance care.

Please contact a vet for all concerns or issues with your animals. Pm me if you need local recommendations

Registered goat Guarantees


**All come with height guarantee contracts

**All come guaranteed CAE, CL and Johnes negative 

**All come with performance bonus contracts 

-$50 refund for earning their milk star

-$25 refund for every earned show leg

-$25 refund for appraisal score over 85 score

**All sires DNA tested and correct pedigrees guaranteed 

*All bottle babies leave between 2 and 3 weeks old and guaranteed healthy at pick up.  Vet check up with in 24hrs recommended or no further health guarantees when they are no longer in our care!


400 base price
+50 LA or Classification over 80
+100 LA or Classification over 85
+150 LA or classification 89 and above
+50 if doe earned butterfat star OR
+100 for 1 day milk test or 2 categories DHI20
+25 for each generation milk star (2* 3* ect)
+50 if buck scored 85 or better
+100 if buck has his milk * or +
+25 for each V show leg 

Reservations are $50 

We reserve the right to retain any goat at any time for any reason. 

Mini Alpines 

Dezzy, Kadence, Mordol, Standrum

Dezzy, Kadence, Mordol, Standrum

We have a passion for our mini alpine projects and are proud to say we now have several generations going with these beautiful girls! 

Dezzy is a full alpine. Her daughter Kadence is an F1, Mordol is an F2 and Standrum starts back as an F1 because her sire is Zeus one of our Nigerians. 

We are excited to see where this project takes us!