Dixie Dairy Nigerians

Dixie Dairy Nigerians


The ladies of Dixie Dairy

Bleat N Teats Vuelo Mariposa 

Bleat N Teats Vuelo Mariposa 3*M 

Chamoisee with blue eyes and moonspots and an unknown fading gene (carrying black)

DOB: 2-4-2012 

9-3-2024 She went across the rainbow bridge 

Sire: Little Tots Estate Celtis

SS: Rosasharn HR Chewbacca *B

SD: Little Tots Estate Dahl is

Dam: Little Tots Estate Olea 2*M

DS: MCH Woodhaven Farms Luzifer Blue +B

DD: Little Tots Estate Crocosmia 1*M

Linear Appraisal:

2017 VEVE 89

2022 VEEE 90 

Kidding Record:

2014 buck/doe twins

2015 single buck

2016 triplet bucks

2017 2 does 1 buck

2018 twin does

2019 2 does 1 buck

2020 2 bucks, 1 doe

2022 2 bucks, 2 does

Milk test records: 


46 DIM 4lbs 5.7%bf 3.9%p ODT 

Disease Testing Record:

8-20-2015 CL and CAE negative

2-2-2018 CAE negative

Lil Hill Farm M Athena 

Lil Hill Farm M Athena

Bezoar with blue eyes

DOB 11-27-2011

Sire: Kids Corral Fin Melacor Blu

SS: Lost Valley Jum Finnigan*S

SD: Kids Corral LB Caramello Blu

Dam: TX Twincreeks Sem Radiance

DS: Lost Valley TB Seminole *B*S

DD: TX Twins Creek StarShine

Linear Appraisal:

2017 +V+V 85

2019 +V++ 83

Kidding record:

2014 twin does

2015 2 does/ 1 buck

2016 twin does

2017 twin does

2018 single buck spring

2018 twin does fall 

Disease Testing Record:

7-14-2016 Johnes and CAE negative

2-2-2018 CAE negative

Kaapio Acres SF Timachee 

Kaapio Acres SF Timachee *M 


DOB: 8-28-2005

Sire: MCH/GCH Sm3pines Juren's Swell Foop +*B

SS: Creek Road Envoy +B

SD: ARMCH Gay-Mor Berry's Jurrassic 2*D 1*M

Dam: Gay-Mor's Magic Noon Delight *D

DS: ARMCH Munchranch PH Magic Marker +*S

DD: Gay-Mor's Ad Lib's Mood Ring

Kidding Record:

2007 twin does

2008 at least 1 buck

2009 quints

2011: buck/doe twins

2012: buck/doe twins

2013: buck/doe twins

2014: single doe

2015 triplets at NickelCreek

2016 quint bucks

2017 buck/doe twins

2018 1 doe 2 bucks

2020 single buck

Disease Testing Records:

8-27-2015 CAE, CL, Johnes negative

2-2-2018 CAE negative

Bayou Country CR Blue Sage *D

Bayou Country CR Blue Sage *D *M

Gold with blue eyes

DOB: 3-4-2015

Sire: CH Creek Bottom Z Creole

SS: CH/MCH Hill Country's BB Zydeco

SD: CH/MCH Lost Valley Lg Andromeda

Dam: Bayou Country Sh Nutmeg

DS: Lost Valley TB Sledgehammer *B *S

DD: CH/MCH Lost Valley HLB Nori

Linear appraisal or Classification:

2017 VV+V 87

2018 +VV+ 82

2019 ++VV 85

2021 85.5 VG 

Kidding Record:

2016 twin bucks

2017 twin does

2018 buck/doe twins

2019 buck/doe twins

2020 buck/doe twins

2021 Quad bucks

2023 Triplets 2B/1D

Disease Testing Record:

2-2-2018 CAE negative

8-12-2020 CAE negative

Milking record: 

4-25-21 1 Day Milk Test 

2.5lbs 83.BF 4.1P


144 DIM 354lb 27BF 14 P

Rivrvue Fnr Rising Pheonix *D *M

RivrVue FNR Rising Pheonix *D*M

Black and white with wattles and moonspots

DOB 4-15-2016

Sire: Flat Rock's Hotwire

SS: Flat Rock's Ember

SD: Springs run ME Rhiannon

Dam: AL Thunder LTEA Skylark

DS: Little Tots Estate Aquilla *B

DD: Kids Corral LB LunarSelene Blu

Linear Appraisal or Classification:

2018 ++VA 80

2019 ++++ 81

2021 87 VG

2022 VVVE 87

Kidding Record:

2018 single buck 

2019 single doe

2020 single doe

2021 Single buck 

2022 Single buck 

2023 Single Doe 

Disease Testing Record:

4-12-2018 CAE negative

8-12-2020 CAE negative

Milking Record: 

4-25-21 1 Day Milk Test 

3.4lbs 5.7%BF 3.8%P

2021 221 DIM 514lb 30BF 21P 

Bayou Country No Joli Paquet *D

Bayou Country NO Joli Paquet *D *M

Buckskin with extended cape

DOB: 3-15-2017

Sire: CH/MCH Bayou Country SH Noble

SS: Lost Valley TB Sledgehammer *B *S

SD: CH/MCH Lost Valley Nori

Dam: Bayou Country Special Delivery

DS: Bayou Country SOC Cajun Blues

DD: Lost Valley RTW Free Spirit 3*D

Linear Appraisal and Classification:

2019 AA+A 76

2021 89.4 VG+

Kidding Record:

2018 single doe

2020 single doe

2021 2 bucks/1 doe

2022 2 Bucks 

2023 Single Doe

Disease Testing Record:

5-9-2019 CAE negative

9-1-2020 CAE negative

Milking Record: 

4-25-21 1 Day Milk Test 

3.8lbs  5.6%BF  3.7%P

2021 209 DIM 27BF 19P

Bayou Country SH Priority 

Bayou Country SH Priority

Chamoisee and Buckskin

DOB: 3-26-2015

Sire: Lost Valley TB Sledgehammer *B *S

SS: ARMCH Lost Valley Tae-Bo ++B /+*S E

SD: Lost Valley La Toriaza 2*M 3*D

Dam: Bayou Country Special Delivery

DS: Bayou Country soc Cajun Blues

DD: Lost Valley RTW Free Spirit 3*D

Linear Appraisal:

2017 VV++ 84

2018 VVV+ 85

2019 ++V+ 83

Kidding Record:

2017 single doe

2018 single doe

2019 single buck

2020 single buck

Disease Testing Record:

7-14-2016 Johnes and CAE negative

8-8-2019 CAE negative

We tragically lost our sweet Priority August 11, 2020 to a collar strangling her. We no longer use collars at our farm. 

Rest in Peace our sweetest girl.